The cycles of change developed by Prochaska and DiClemente shows the many stages an addict will cycle through at any given time when attempting to achieve sobriety from substance abuse. True and enduring recovery finally occurs when the addict understands what it takes to remain in the “Maintenance Stage”. Unfortunately, substance abuse relapse often occurs along the way but does not mean that hope is lost. If an addict falls into the “Relapse Stage”, they must immediately jump back into the “Maintenance Stage” by using all of the newfound skills and tools received from their treatment experience.
The various stages of change when brought together like the above diagram are in fact an iterative model to help you understand that substance abuse addiction recovery is a process and not a one time deal. As bold as a claim as that is, we stand behind that. We truly believe that a true addict (not a drug abuser) is unable to stop on their own and usually never is able to. Especially on their first try having no acquired coping skills as well as having the disease of addiction taking full control over their mind, body and soul.
As you may have noticed, the diagram does not show an end to the cycle of change which illustrates that an addict’s recovery process is ongoing. This diagram helps each client at our Christian Recovery Center to visually understand the journey they are making while in substance abuse treatment. It helps clients who feel discouraged about their failure or lack of progress by showing them how far they have come since attending treatment.