Aside from the many street drugs being sold and used daily, there are many different types of narcotic prescription pills that are being abused by both teenagers and adults alike. Due to their availability and the mixing with other illicit drugs; the wide spread misuse of these abused benzodiazepine addiction prescriptions are causing a major health epidemic across the nation. From accidental overdose, even to death. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, over seven (7) million Americans are abusing prescription drugs at any given time (SAMHSA, 2010). Despite our society’s best efforts (safe disposal of prescription pills, etc.), benzodiazepine addiction prescription pill abuse is rapidly becoming one of the most dangerous and highly addictive substances abused to date. Besides opiate pain pill prescriptions, another kind of medication being misused are: sedatives (barbiturates), hypnotics (sleeping aids, Ambien, etc.) and anxiolytics (benzodiazepines).