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Utah Christian Drug Rehab


Daily Personal Inventories

Daily Personal Inventories

Taking Inventory and Keeping Fit
Step 10 from Alcoholic Anonymous states, “We took moral inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it”. It is important that we evaluate whether we are “Staying Fit” in our recovery on a daily basis. One simple tool that we can use to gauge how we are doing is to do a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual inventory each night.
Physical: What am I doing to take care of myself physically?  Am I eating healthy? Am I exercising regularly?  Am I practicing good hygiene?  How do I feel about myself physically?  What can I do to improve tomorrow?
Emotional:  What am I doing to take care of myself emotionally?  Am I sharing my emotions with someone who is healthy and safe?  Am I taking time doing something for myself that I enjoy doing? What am I doing to manage my emotions such as stress, anxiety, and depression?  What can I do to improve tomorrow?
Mental:  What am I doing to stay mentally fit?  Am I getting adequate sleep?  Am I participating in positive self talk?  Am I setting life goals and striving to achieve them?  Am I seeking continued growth and education?  What can I do to improve tomorrow?
Spiritual:  What am I doing to stay spiritually fit?  Am I spending time communicating with my Higher Power?  Am I spending time meditating or listening to guidance from my Higher Power?  Am I making a conscience effort to be of service to others each day?  What can I do to improve tomorrow?
As we continue to take daily moral inventories, we are able to put our recovery tools and techniques into practical use. We are able to improve on our weaknesses and more importantly, celebrate our successes. 

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