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Utah Christian Drug Rehab


Common Christian Rehab Questions

Common Christian Rehab Questions

Christian Recovery Center Common Rehab QuestionsSubstance Abuse Rehab Questions and Answers

How quickly does a drug or alcohol addiction occur?

This can vary by person. Much of it depends on the person’s atmosphere, age, social interaction, etc. A young person who has a family addiction history is more probable to abuse drugs than an older person with no history.

What is involved during rehab?

The person must abandon his prior way of life by joining the program. Then the patient will go through detoxification which is a phase when the substance of abuse is entirely detached from the body. The addict then acquires in rehab ways to avoid circumstances that have triggered cravings in the past and how to deal with feeling emotions again. The patient learns how to cope.

How long does recovery from a substance addiction take?

Recovering from a drug addiction lasts a lifetime. It is an ongoing process where the addict will sometimes be tempted to use their drug of choice. Rehab teaches the addict how to cope with these temptations, making it easier to create and sustain a responsible and healthy lifestyle. The actual time in rehab can vary from one to three months. The severity of the addiction and the patient’s willingness to overcome the addiction will be taken into account as well.

What can I bring to rehab with me?

You will want to bring comfortable clothing, most people prefer gym attire. You will also want to bring toiletries. Religious texts or motivational books are helpful items that are encouraged as well. Cell phones and other electronics should usually stay at home. Communication with the outside world is typically discouraged during the first few weeks of rehab.

What are the chances of relapsing?

Once an addiction develops, the addiction will always be susceptible to a relapse which is why recovery is a lifelong process. Relapse does not mean rehab did not work, it suggest that individual may need additional Christian treatment to reinforce some recovery strategies.

Is rehab worth it?

Rehab is a life changing investment because you are investing against the development of or worsening of problems in the future.

What happens after rehab?

Recovery is a lifelong effort but rehab gives you the skills to fight cravings. Patients normally seek support through counseling or community groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous.



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